Call Center Telephone surveys

Telephone surveys

Telephone Surveys and Customer Surveys

Why do I need a questionnaire ?
Questioning by phone is a poll of respondents using specially selected and clearly formulated questions.

Today it is extremely important to have reliable and complete information about the preferences and needs of customers. Consumer preferences change over time, and questioning by phone allows you to quickly and easily catch the consumer trend.

The questionnaire, by and large, is a marketing research, which is conducted by telephone calling. With the help of telephone questioning, the company gets an accurate portrait of its target audience: customer wishes and preferences, social and age characteristics.

How is the questionnaire going?
Stages of the preparation of the questionnaire: the formation of the sample according to the specified criteria, the approval of the questionnaire for the interview, the preparation of the script of the conversation on the basis of the questionnaire. Among the most popular questions in the survey are the clarification of contact data (updating the database), obtaining customer opinions about the company (products, services, prices, competitors), evaluating the company’s position in the market. And often it is not the absolute values ​​of the indicators that are important, but their change with time.

Survey by phone usually occurs as follows: the interviewer calls a certain sample of respondents and asks them a number of pre-prepared questions. Respondents give answers that are immediately fixed in a database, often integrated with CRM. A qualitative questionnaire contains a number of open and closed questions, as well as several questions-screeners, on which non-target respondents are cut off.

Call center operators conduct questionnaires according to a previously approved scenario. The main task for questionnaires is to get maximum useful information from the respondents for a minimum of time. When carrying out market research, telephone surveys allow you to get high quality and fast statistical data from a large sample of legal entities and individuals.

In what form are the results of telephone interviews presented?
The infrastructure of an effective call center not only provides for telephone surveys and questionnaires, but also provides live survey results in the form of a ready-to-use database. The results of the survey can be provided in convenient formats and reports, including in the client database.

Advantages of questioning and polling by phone: reliable information about the wishes and preferences of clients in the form of completed questionnaires, recorded results of surveys (calls, reports), effectively used call center staff time, established feedback from consumers.